Saturday, August 29, 2020

Y12 D95

Today's post is coming from the new machine. Woo! I spent all day yesterday setting her up. My god is this thing speedy. I ran userbenchmark on it and the score was in the top 71st percentile. Video though is where it shined. As expected of course. 3D benchmarks were 266% above the baseline. Yeah, is good. I loaded Horizon Zero Dawn on it, everything set to Ultra and wheeeee! I also did a test video for work and it rendered in about 1/4 of the time as the old machine. More importantly I didn't have random fans kicking in while recording. ONE small nitpick. I have had laptops as a primary machine for so long, I didn't even think about this. I went to hook up my headphones and no bluetooth. Huh? Nope. Not built in to the motherboard. Wireless either. That was expected and the system included a USB wireless dongle, but I didn't even think about BT. So I have a dongle on the way. Should be here by Monday. Not upset about it, just didn't even think about it. I wasn't worried about the wireless issue as all of my machines down here are hardwired. But BT is kind of important for me for recording.

That really was how I spent the bulk of my day. Configuration, testing, and playing. Watched a little tv, had leftovers for dinner, went to bed.

I did work a little on my hair. I am trying to strip the purple out before I switch to blue tomorrow. I did baking soda masks which really helped lighten the purple up. It's completely gone in some areas. Now today, I will use a bleach kit to get rid of the rest and then tomorrow turn it blue. I know some of you think I am nuts, but I am still not leaving the house for clients and there won't be any video of me for online classes, so fuck it. I am trying to see if I can go until March without cutting it. It's been 17 years since I have had long hair. One last hurrah if you will. Took about 2 years last time for it to really "grow out". I don't think B will let me go that long with it, but we can try.

Laundry day today. House cleaning. You know, typical stupid Saturday shit.

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