Monday, October 5, 2020

Y12 D132

 My back is a little better today. I adjusted the bed to a setting that appears to be working. I think I just need a good adjustment. Maybe after two years of living here I will cave in and go see her chiropractor. Maybe.

I'm up early this morning because I want to hit the grocery store. Get in and out before the day starts and the idiots wake up. The assholes here shot down the governor's ability to enforce things like masks and social distancing so in a couple of weeks it will be a nightmare when all the idiots can roam free. I will be avoiding them as much as possible. Americans - I am tired of thing, therefore I will pretend it doesn't exist, and it will be gone. Sorry Charlie. Doesn't work that way this time. 34,000 new cases with 232 deaths yesterday. Shit is still hitting. It isn't over just because you're tired of it. Your fearless leader is finding that out the hard way.

Didn't do much yesterday. Watched some tv, cleaned the house. Played some games. Went back to killing Nazis. Always satisfying. 

Three days of classes this week. Next week is a full 5 days. Happy about that for sure. But 8 out of 10 days teaching is pretty solid in my book. 

I need a new chair and am asking for one today. This should go over well.

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