Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Y12 D273

 500,000 dead. A half million people in one country alone dead. Not total. Not infected. Dead. I remember a year ago smugly saying "this isn't a pandemic. do you know what kind of numbers we would have to it for it to truly be a pandemic?? people aren't that stupid. it won't get to those levels!". Well, thank you American for proving me wrong. You are that selfish, greedy, stubborn, stupid, uneducated, moronic, childish, and any other adjectives you'd like to throw in here. Greed is at the top of that list for sure. Because had we just allowed ourselves to truly shut down like other countries did we would have been done with this 8 months ago. If we could have stopped the wheels of profit, indentured servitude, and capitalism for just five fucking minutes, we wouldn't be where we are. If we had leadership that wasn't the epitome of Gordon Gekko, maybe for 30 seconds we would have been on our way to recovery. Instead we are the horse with a limp that will never run again. It's time to shoot the horse.

As you can tell, I am in a depressive state. I have absolutely no energy and the weight of the world is crushing my soul. It's cold. It's snowy. I'm done. Just done. But yet I have to keep pretending like I care and teach people all week. What fun it is to be me.

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