I woke up around 4:15, looked at the time, and said nah, that's too early for a Sunday. Luckily, the intelligent part of my brain kicked in when my alarm went off an hour later and my first coherent thought was no you idiot it's Monday. Stupid brain.
Had a fairly decent day. Worked on my app a bit. Got the database structure complete. Have the window drawn and text labels completed. I am struggling to get the database code written though. I don't know think I am missing drivers because I can connect with both Tableau and PowerBI. Just not through the ODBC driver connection in my code. I need to see if I can find native SQL code that does what I want. Then I can connect, place the info in the app, boom. Couple hundred lines of code written yesterday. No, I don't ever want to do this again professionally, but it's fun to do on my own where I can go, that's enough for today and walk away.
B and I used our new spot cleaner to clean the couch. Certain cats have been peeing on it again. Fuckers. Just this one couch. We don't get why either. Go back to covering it with a tarp if need be.
What else did we do? I made steaks with baked taters for dinner. We watched some tv. Played some video games. Went to bed. About it. Today is webinar writing day, then the rest of the week is solid teaching. Next week same. Keep me busy, keep me under the radar.
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