Saturday, April 17, 2021

Y12 D326

 Sometimes I ask myself why I keep writing day after day when everything is the same kind of grey. A few reasons to be honest. Primarily for when I start forgetting things I have this to turn back to and can see what I am forgetting. I have a chronicled look at the last 12 years of my life. That's pretty valuable. Second to keep track of history. Like yesterday we had another shooting. yes, another one. This time in a FedEx facility in IN. We need to do something about guns in this country. Period. Too easy to get, too easy to put in the wrong hands. To be fair <insert Letterkenny reference here>, we need to be working on a lot of things like mental health programs and racism as well. Because no matter how much certain people would like to portray our problems as being the fault of immigrants and the like, the reality is, these shootings are being done by fucked up, insecure, racist, white boys. That's that. Not some underground Taliban cell. Not some gang. No. Just some needs to get laid and stop being fed lies by propaganda dumb ass white guy. It's disgusting, it's a shame, and it needs to stop.

In other fucked up news, MCR reschedule to 2022. Yeah. Fuck this year too. Fuck last year, fuck this year. 

I am fucking tired of living through major world events. Seen too many to count at this point.  Just done.

Just done.

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