Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Y13 D48

I have made it home in one piece. Back to the regular grind of it all. Today is a catch up day, then tomorrow and Thursday I teach. Nice way to get back into the groove and swing of things. I got up early today just to mentally get me back into it. I can take my time a little bit but I thought it would be good for me. 

Let's see, I got to the airport ridiculously early. Sat until security opened. Boarded my first flight at 5:30, got to Chicago around noon. Hung out in the Admiral's club until 2, got on my next flight. Landed at 5:45 in Detroit. B picked me up and we grabbed Taco Bell on the way home.

Got home, unpacked, did laundry, moved files, relaxed. In other words, a typical travel day for me.

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