Monday, July 19, 2021

Y13 D54

Do you know what needs to happen in this country? Key people in the republican party, religious sector, conservative media, etc need to start DYING from Delta. Sounds cruel and mean? Maybe. But that's the only way we're going to open up the eyes of these unvaccinated morons who are spreading Delta and Lambda like it's a joint at Woodstock. I've been saying it out loud and I will say it here - if things don't change dramatically in the next 4-6 weeks, we will be under lockdown/mandatory masks/distancing by October. Maybe not 100% nationwide, but definitely in certain areas. We're already starting to see the mask portion of it. But even with that, it's not enough. Lockdown/shutdown is coming people. All because some people have decided to turn people's lives into a political game. That's a disgusting shame.

B is in the woods. I don't know how they tolerate their friends. She was supposed to leave at 9:30am. She didn't get on the road until 1:15. It's a 5 hour drive to their destination. I would have been fuming the whole way personally. 

As for me, I did some little chores. Cleaned out the cat room, did laundry, and went through some bins I have been meaning to clean out. Have more to do this week. Trying not to overwhelm myself but I do want to keep up the momentum. I am recording this week so I have some flexible time the next few days. Couple of meetings and a webinar strewn in, but nothing major. 

Ate leftovers last night. Not sure what I want to make tonight. Maybe salmon.

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