Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Y13 D55

I accidentally typed Y134 for the title this morning. Dear god, please don't let me still be writing this for 134 years. I will be very tired by then. Very tired. 

Nothing of any significance to report today. Being home alone will do that for you. I spent the day recording. Made polish sausage dogs with fries for dinner. Watched some TV, played some video games, went to bed. Honestly I didn't do much else. Kinda okay with that to be honest. I remember how in the past I would write about missing human connection blah blah blah. Now I am happy being left alone. I get how old people are like just leave me be. I'm done interacting with other people. Other people suck. Just give me the cats and I am fine. 

Pretty much the same thing planned for today, and tomorrow, and Thursday. Although I do plan on cleaning the house on Thursday so woo?

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