Wednesday, February 22, 2023

ANA Y1 D271

I did it!! I got a 100% sleep score for the very first time! I slept incredibly well last night. The temperature was good. My pillow was good. The planets all aligned for once and I got almost 8 hours of sleep. Holy cow!! I don't remember my dreams but they must not have been horrible if I slept so soundly. I'll take it thank you very much.

Got up yesterday, took the truck in for 2 year service. Was back home by 10am. Worked on a new custom class for Wells Fargo to be taught in March. Then I worked on renewing my certifications in a product. Have to do more of that today. For dinner we had tacos. We watched one of my favorite movies last night, Willy Wonka. C was sleepy and we went to bed right at 10. It wasn't any kind of crazy or stand out day, but it wasn't bad either. Just a day. We're in the middle of an ice storm warning until 4am tomorrow which should be interesting. Otherwise, things are okay. B closes on the new house in one week. That means sometime in the next couple weeks I should get my basement back. What a difference that will make. I am very excited about that. I have a webinar today which should be fun. All in all, I'm doing okay.

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