Tuesday, February 28, 2023

ANA Y1 D277

We fucked so hard last night we moved the bed a foot across the room. No, seriously. I know that's a wtf way to start today's post but welcome to it. We turned on the big light afterwards and realized the bed was moved a good 18 inches over. I mean, wow. We were going at it clearly. Which of course ups our numbers for the year. This is just insane. Six months in and I am still as giddy as that first weekend. Even my therapist is impressed. Especially since 18 months ago I came to her saying how I didn't feel like I wanted physical intimacy. Hmm. Yeah. They closed on their house yesterday. No wait. Correction. THEIR GF closed on HER new house yesterday. Fine line distinction. Just saying. I worked on a presentation. Then took the cat to the vet. Pulling a tooth on friday. Gave her antibiotics for an infection. Fun times. We're hoping the tooth will fix some of the issues but we're not sure if that's the only problem. So there's that. Made Brazilian fish stew for dinner with mahi and black tiger shrimp last night. Fucking really good. Had a bumpy cake for dessert. Went grocery shopping around 8pm. Watched a little tv, then see above. Crashed around midnight. A very full Monday to be sure.

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