Monday, May 15, 2023

ANA Y1 D353

My brain is off. I was thinking today was significant for something, but that's not until tomorrow. We will discuss it tomorrow. Today IS significant because it marks our eighth month anniversary. Holy crap. 8 months.

We are home safely after another 11 hour drive. The fucked up part is that less than an hour into MI I was already pissed off. Seriously. The people here just make me mad. C pointed something out last night about how things look here. Desaturated is the word she used. What a perfect world. She said compared to everything on the west coast, everything here just seems flat and dull. She's absolutely right. The colors, the people, the buildings. It's all dead compared to what we just saw. I have to get out of this state.

Back in CO we did some really fun stuff. We had a long driving day from Nevada, but we ended our trip nicely. We had food from a Native American Chipotle basically. Bison with quinoa type of food. Was really good. Then we went to this thing called Meow Wolf. I don't even know how to describe it. A massive interactive art exhibit. It was incredible. If you're ever in Denver you have to go.

Yesterday we left at 1:50am. Drove and drove. I am going to calculate out today how many hours we drove total, but it's a lot. Iowa was once again boring as shit. Illinois was uneventful. 11 hours we made it home. Spent the night doing laundry, unpacking, being yelled at by stupid cats. We got everything put away, had Del Taco for dinner, and went to bed at 9:45. I slept until 6:15. Glorious.

Today I have to catch up on emails, pick up prescriptions, go to the courthouse to file my name change, and deal with things around here.

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