Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Y4 D355

Quiet day. Some people hate Mondays because they have to get up and go to an office. I hate Mondays because the gardeners come and make a mess and a whole lot of noise. Totally screws with my morning nap. Yeah, first world white whine problems.

Had an interesting dream last night. The first time I have had a dream with B in it. We were moving into a new house. It was a nice house too. I realized during the dream that I had yet to really see the inside and was just happy with the outside. Discuss...

Worked on paperwork and administrative shit all day yesterday. Made a steak for dinner. Watched Grimm and Justice League. A note on Justice League - that show is pretty fucking deep for a 'kids show'. A lot going on there.

Last night I decided to see if I could make something work and it did. I was able to play Sims 3 which I haven't played in forever because I can't find the original DVD. I figured fuck it and tried applying a no cd hack. Worked like a champ.

Was in bed by 11. Woke up at 3 to the fucking sprinkler still being broken outside my window. Fun stuff. I am cranky and tired this morning and an east coast client is already bugging the shit out of me. This guy is going to be a major pain in my ass I can tell, but the client could be worth millions to the company which means I have to suck it up and play nice.


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