Traveled all day. My car service picked me up at 4, right on time too. I was very impressed. I ended up using car service because B had to be up for work and it would have been too hard for her to get up, take me, and then be functional for work. Plus it was only $10 more than a cab. Whatever. Since this was a Monday morning trip, I didn't even bother putting in for the upgrade. I knew it wasn't going to be worth it and I was right. 13 persons on the upgrade list. Now Saturday's flight home I may put in for it because there will be less business travelers. I will say that yesterday's flights also gave me enough points to be able to fly B back home in Feb for her birthday with the return flights giving me some wiggle room. Nothing exciting happened on the way home. Hit Dallas around 11 cst, took off for Tallahassee at 2, arrived in FL at 5 est. Basically 12 hours traveling. Checked in, found dinner, ironed, watched a Dr Who episode, talked to B, went to bed. This hotel is one of the more basic ones so no restaurant or bar in the hotel. Not a bad thing mind you, just makes it tough because I have to leave to eat.
I have to be at the client at about 8:30 this morning. It's less than a mile walk so I have 3 hours or so until I have to leave. A waffle sounds good...
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