Monday, December 22, 2014

Y6 D210

It's Christmas week!! We are just a few days away!! 67 hours to be exact!! WHEE!

Had a pretty good if unexciting day yesterday. B caught up on her shows, I added new ones (Chicago Fire, 3 seasons; Seinfeld, 9 seasons) for her to watch when she is ready, and mostly we just hung around the house. I bitched earlier on social media that I dislike this time of year because it's almost impossible to just run normal errands. There's too many dumbasses out that going to the store for razors becomes a three hour ordeal. It's easier to just stay in the house. So we did. I had a package coming from Amazon also and I didn't want to miss it.

Around 5:30 a friend of ours stopped by as he was home bored too and the three of us headed out to Chili's for dinner. We had a nice time eating and talking. Finished up and headed back home around 7:30. He is one of the few people with whom we are exchanging gifts and we did our gift swap last night. Everyone walked away happy. I got a Scrump stuffed toy, B got 3 Nora Roberts books and a roll of sticky whiteboard paper. We got our friend a Camelbak bag he wanted. Everyone was pleased with their gifts.

Around 9:30 he left, I started prepping for today's class, and B watched some TV. Headed to bed around 10, she followed at an unknown time.

Today and tomorrow, four students. Then FIVE DAYS OFF. I can do it.

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