Sunday, March 22, 2015

Y6 D300

Woo! Day 300. Only 65 left to go in this year. And I big year it was, eh? I promised today's post would be early because we are about to get on the road and go to Disneyland.

Yesterday was a do nothing day. Did we even leave the house? I did in the morning to get gas and rockstars but I think that was it? We ordered a pizza for dinner so we didn't have to worry about cooking or having food in the fridge while we're gone. Um... gas. Played some video games. Um... Packed. Slept from 8 - midnight. Pizza. Yeah. That's about it. Talked to the car dealership. She is going to see if she can work a deal while we are gone. I am not optimistic. Read a little. Nope, that's it. Trying hard to think of other things.

Now I drive for 6 hours. Then Disneyland. Then I check into a hotel in Pasadena and teach all next week. We are going back to the park Thursday for dinner with my boss. I did send him a long email about why his proposed 2015 bonus plan is crap. Let's see how that discussion goes. In essence he is trying to give me shit money and wants more work. Nope. Not how it goes. My co-worker who is being offered the same deal agrees.

Ok, I am done. Time to go.

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