Friday, July 17, 2015

Y7 D52

Made it through day one of class. Finished about 2:30. I am not quite where I want us to be in terms of material but this is the first time teaching this class and I need to set realistic expectations with myself. I don't know yet where the good breaking points are, or where I need to speed up/slow down yet. We still have a ton of material to get through today and I am going to need to keep it at a quick pace to make sure we get through everything.

After class B was sleeping and I went out to the grocery store. 104. That was the fucking temperature outside. I was dying by the time I got back. I was just dripping sweat and dust and felt like shit. It was so bad I had to get in the shower to cool off. It was disgusting outside. And the humans. Ugh fucking humans. I did manage to get everything on our list which is good, but I was just in agony at having to leave the fucking house.

Came back, played some Lego Batman. Almost through the whole game. I am probably going to get some of the add-on packs today. Spend like $15 to get everything. But this way I can fully complete it. There's a new golf game I want and I am debating getting it. I need to read some reviews first. It's from EA and is basically Tiger Woods golf but with some new player front lining. They have always made beautiful golf games. I used to be amazed at how real the graphics were on their games and now I look at the old ones and laugh.

Made a steak for dinner, watched a bunch of White Collar with B. I have her hooked on two new shows - Mr. Robot and Humans. I woke up this morning to a hangouts message from her as she stayed up until almost 2 trying to catch up on Humans. I love both of those shows and I am glad she likes them too. We rarely agree on TV and movies. Although today after class, Ant Man! Yeah, I am going to see Ant Man. Got a problem with that?

Went to bed around 10:30. I have a bit of a headache still that came on when I was going to bed. I think it's a heat headache but hopefully I can shake it before class starts. No plans for tonight other than the movie. The weekend is pretty open too. Packing and a going away party for some friends. Unfortunately the party is 2 hours away and that's the only sucky part.

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