Monday, July 27, 2015

Y7 D62

Packed and packed and then packed some more. But my closet is almost 100% empty, the kitchen looks great, and we made progress on the bedroom. Only 3 three weeks to go. As you might imagine it wasn't a very exciting day. I ran to the store to get mayo and dish soap.

Suburban life. Ah yes. The dream.

Meh, I shouldn't complain. I don't have it that bad. I really don't. You wanna see pain? Swing by First Methodist Tuesday nights...

Brain. Down boy. Behave.

I am antsy. I want to go back on the road. I need away from boxes. Soon. Watched Humans. Made a pork roast.

I should mention B was still up when I just got up at 4. Whatever.

red-and-blue tuinal bullet capsules

Three classes this week. Four days. 2 one day, then a two day admin. Today will be people of potentially not so sharp technical skills. Whee.

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