Friday, December 11, 2015

Y7 D199

Well so much for sleeping to an alarm. Back up at 3:30. Whee.

I did the world's easiest memory upgrade last night. It took me less than 15 minutes to upgrade both of my macs. The media server now has 4gb and this machine now has 16gb. All I needed to do on one machine was unscrew a bottom plate and on the other push a button to expose the memory bay. I don't know why I didn't do this before. Both machines feel brand new in their performance. Especially the media server. It's a Christmas miracle ya filthy animals!

Taught yesterday. The world's most boring group of students. This particular class doesn't necessarily attract the most exciting of people to begin with, but man were they just like dead. I really did feel in part like I was talking to myself. Whatever. We finished around 2 and have one more day to go. I also worked on my other docs for about 2 hours yesterday. I got 2 more demos done taking me up to 21 total out of 32. I would like to get another 5 or six done before Sunday. If I do 3 each of the next three days that will get me very close to having it completely done.

We waited for the mail to arrive until about 6 last night. I am not happy with the mail people right now. Showing up late. Packages not moving. I have at least three things I would like to arrive before I go and I think they should all arrive today, but I don't have much faith in the mail carriers. I know it's holiday time but jeez, do what everyone else does and hire some holiday people.

After the mail arrived we went to the mall. B's need for boots has reached desperation stage. She really does need them for her trip and we are down to the wire. Luckily she found a pair reasonably priced that work. Mission accomplished. We had a nice seafood dinner while we were out. I had a stuffed salmon that was really good. She had coconut shrimp with a chicken caesar salad.

Got home around 9 and watched some TV. Big Bang was hilarious last night. I have found you either love or hate that show with no in between. I love it and so does B. Screw the haters. I also yesterday started watching Jessica Jones. There's a show with some controversy. I won't give away any more than what's out there already, but I can see how for victims of abuse and rape it is a hard show to watch. The first episode was deep as hell. Excellent, but deep.

Went to bed around 10:30. One more day of class, some doc writing, then it's laundry and packing time. Two more days at home.

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