Monday, December 14, 2015

Y7 D202

Up and stressed already. Been up for almost 45 minutes. Went to bed at 8:30. Very boring day yesterday. Most of it centered around getting ready to leave. Last minute packing, trip to target for toothpaste, etc. I was also on the hunt for a new jacket to wear. This reminds me of the time in 2004 when I had to go to Canada and didn't have anything appropriate to wear then. If the weather gets bad while I am in MI, I am going to freeze to death.

We watched the rest of HPDH1 and all of HPDH2 yesterday. I am through all of the damn movies now. There's 3.5 hours of the day gone. Not much else went on. We got all of the stuff ready for my niece, cleaned out the fridge, and basically didn't do anything.

Okay, time to go.

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