Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Y9 D54

16 students yesterday, 4 who would respond to questions. I fucking hate that. But for once, the actual sponsor of the group was on the meeting and she got to hear first hand what I have been complaining about to her for a year. Went from 6:30 - 10:30 then worked on my docs until 2.

I was giving B some stress yesterday afternoon. Mostly because I was restless. She didn't go to her group meeting because of another person who was scheduled to show up. Which meant I was not used to her being home on a Tuesday and it made me antsy. Plus I think I just need to get out of the house. I was just a big bundle of energy last night with no way to get rid of it. I paced a lot, stared out of the window a bunch, etc. I didn't know what to do with myself. I tried playing games, didn't help. Reading, tv. None of it. I just wanted to go do something. In the end, I just went to bed around 10 and that was that.

Made pork tenderloin for dinner. It was okay. We tried a new brand that we don't normally eat and it was just okay. When B is gone next week, I plan on making rabbit. I am excited about that. 4 more days until she leaves for MI. Wait, 5? Monday. She leaves on Monday. So however many days. Yeah, 5.

Today I am doing two classes crammed into one day for one student. Fucking lame. It's two classes I am not fond of on top of the whole one person thing. Whatever. It's billable hours. He wanted to start at 10. Um, no. I am starting the meeting at like 7 and the minute he joins, we're starting. I do not want to be doing this all night long.

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