Friday, July 6, 2018

Y10 D41

This is it. I am in the home stretch. The final hours of my 40s. What a decade this has been. I have done more in my 40s than my 20s and 30s combined I feel. Or at least things of more substance and depth. Yet, also of more stupidity because of the way my life turned out. Experimentation. Playing. Traveling. In my 20s I was a parent with responsibilities. A baby at home. A wife (who was sleeping with half the world mind you, but still). While I was still a parent in my 40s, it was different. Lots of things were different. I will miss my 40s. It was a period of discovery and acceptance. Of realizations about the world around me. About myself. I am coming out of them stronger in many ways. Softer too. A little less chip on my shoulder. Wiser? Maybe. Broader thinking that's for sure. But that's in part due to the experiences of the last few years too. Where do we go now sweet child?

Side note - to add on to my rant yesterday about stupidity: Facebook removes parts of declaration from a newspaper's account for 'hate speech'. Doomed to repeat. That's all we are. Doomed to repeat. May god have mercy on our souls.

Spent the day trying to finalize my new class. I sent it off for review to the group. Nothing back yet. I was not in a good mood yesterday and ended up getting in a fight with B last night. It was all my fault because my brain was not where it should have been and I was being annoying. I don't want to talk about it.

I am taking today off. Why? Because I want/need to. No other reason.


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