Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Y11 D107

Went to the doctor yesterday and had a bunch of shit checked out. Have to go back this morning to get blood drawn because I had something to eat 7 hours earlier and they want 12 hours of fasting. Bastards. The good news is a bunch of the stuff I went in there for are either 'don't worry about it' or 'here's some exercises you can do to help that'. Okay cool. It's the blood draw info I really care about though. I am having a FULL panel done to check for everything that might be wrong with me. That I should know hopefully later today.

Spent the first part of the day recording. Got through 3 out 7 modules. Should finish the rest today. That will leave two more of our classes for me to do this week. And mean more money for B.

Speaking of B, this is her summer o' concerts. Tonight she is going to see Lil' Wayne and Blink-182. Oneo f her friends gave her two tickets for $35 because they couldn't go. I wouldn't have minded going with her, but it's a work night and I can't be out until midnight. Especially not for some bands I don't care about it and moderately wouldn't mind seeing.

Nothing else going on. Waiting to hear about a FL trip still. I should know more today hopefully. Have a package coming from the kid. Stuff she got us while in Thailand and from Korea. I am excited about that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.

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