Monday, September 16, 2019

Y11 D113

We spent many an hour outside yesterday. Yesterday was a big community day for Pokemon Go. Today is a new release so yesterday they had a special event. We met up with one of B's friends who plays too and we spent hours outside walking around. I now have 3 torterras. Suck it!

We were out from 10:30 until 3:30 in total. Stopped for a late lunch early dinner on the way home. B napped. I started cleaning the new fish tank. Just the stand. That took forever. We managed to get it downstairs which led to rearranging art and other furniture. This thing is 6ft long by 2ft wide. It's huge.

We're going to do live plants in this one. But we know it will be a while before we add any fish. A long while. Next we have to clean the tank with vinegar, flush all the filter tubing, set up the cannisters, and let it develop an ecosystem for like a week. Fun stuff.

Not much else. I have two classes this week, more recordings, and then I go to Florida. Then SF. Then Canada. I could in fact hit the elusive next tier on American. We shall see.

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