Sunday, November 3, 2019

Y11 D161

Fuck DST or the end of DST whatever just happened overnight. Thank god I don't fly out until tomorrow when people will have had a day to adjust their stupid clocks. I didn't realize how much manual shit we have to adjust until I just walked into the kitchen and had to change three fucking clocks manually. I also will have to adjust the stupid fish tank timer. An outdated concept from outdated people in an outdated world.

We spent all day outside yesterday walking our little tushies off. It was a community even day in Pokemon so we met up with B's friend, went to the major park where people go, and spent from 11 until almost 5 catching the legendaries and raid quests. We ended up with all the Regi forms, steel, ice, and rock plus the big Regi. Don't feel bad if you have no clue what I am talking about. I don't really understand either.

It was a bit rough though. The cold is starting to come in. We were all freezing. B's arthritis in her knee kicked up and made things rough. We had to take a lunch break in between. We did find a decent sushi/korean place as a result. I am happy about that.

Random topic change - We are one week away from the kid being here and TOOL! WOO! I leave tomorrow for the last trip to Seattle. Oh speaking of flying, WABAM:

I fucking did it. I made the next level. I leveled up at American. That's right. I am now Platinum Pro. I get all the cool stuff. I won't make it to the last level. I might actually hit the miles, but I won't hit the spend. It's just too much. I need 100,000 miles and $15k in spend. But, it would be intensely cool if I did. I still have two more trips after this one and MIGHT come close. We shall see. Just checked in for Seattle. That's another 8,000 miles. So yeah, it's possible I will hit over 100k but I will fall short on money. Maybe 12k spend, but not 15. Oh well.

Anyway, we got home around 4, B soaked in the tub to ease her knee pain, had tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner. B read, I played games, went to bed around 11pm.

Nothing on the schedule for today thank goodness. Can just stay inside and take it easy.

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