Monday, November 25, 2019

Y11 D183

Slept much better last night. I turned u;p the humidity in the house. Finally I could breathe. Fuck dry climates. Fuck them hard.

B got up late so we didn't do much in the morning. I washed blankets, wrapped presents, put away all the shit she had out still like the folding tables and the extra leaf for the dining room table. When she finally got up we went to the grocery store. I picked up six pounds of apples and am making apple butter right now. I let it cook overnight. I need to take the immersion blender to it this morning. Then find something to put it in. We forgot to get jars yesterday. Oh well.

B made soup for dinner which was good. Played some video games and went to bed. A somewhat relaxing day.

Now begins three days of teaching Canadians. Whee.

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