Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Y11 D191

Yesterday was hell. Not because of the class, well some of it, but because this sickness hit me hard. I was floopy at a couple of points, could feel my temperature rising, vertigo, etc. Fun times. My voice is going to go before the end of the week. This morning I have flushed like 10 pounds of snot out of my nose. Good times abound!

My class was interesting. I had a small group out of 16 who were combative. The nothing is ever going to be fixed around here why are you showing us this kind of people. I ended up switching the class around midday to do things that I knew would shut them up. It worked.

Finished at 4:40 and tried to get back to the hotel. I say try because once again construction killed traffic and instead of fighting it, I went to dinner. Was just easier that way. I will probably do the same thing tonight.

Got back to hotel and held out as long as I could before taking meds and passing out. I made it until 9pm. Slept restlessly all night. But I slept.

5 more days until I can go home.

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