Thursday, December 5, 2019

Y11 D193

It's only Thursday? Are you sure about that? Son of a bitch.

I haven't had a full night's sleep the entire time I have been here. Too dry and too sick. Just one night of sleep. Is that asking so much?

Day three yesterday. Day two of the same material. New group. Sharper group than Tuesday at least. We got out around 4:20 this time. That's not bad. I did get stuck in bad traffic again though trying to get back to the hotel. Traffic around here is just awful. Another situation where an area grew too rapidly to keep up with the demand of vehicles and now they're paying the price.

Had dinner at a family style restaurant. Corned beef and cabbage. Twas not bad I must admit. Got back to the hotel. Talked with B. She had bingo last night. The jackpot was at 7k. One little old lady won it and nearly had a heart attack. 7k is a lot of money for folks like that. Hell, 7k is a good chunk of change for us. Not going to lie. It would help immensely.

Tried to sleep at 9. Failed. Sigh.

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