Big news - B has a date set for surgery. September 10th. What kind of surgery? I was intentionally vague before because nothing was finalized, but now I will share some of it. B is having a hysterectomy. It's the only way to get her off 13 pills a day, stop some of the pain, the other physical issues, and get her mental state back where it needs to be. It's a major step and not light surgery, but it's happening. In about 2 months, things will change dramatically. This means I also have a cost. It will be about $6000 out of pocket based on our initial estimates. Might be more though of course. We will see. But if it makes their life easier and stops the bad thoughts, then I will pay whatever.
Since we have a date and a cost for B's stuff, we have decided to move forward with my hair. I have an appointment on July 31st to get the mold of my head done. Which means by mid-August I will have for the first time in 25+ years, I will have a full head of hair. Yes, I know it will be "fake" but man, I don't care. I just want hair.
Finished recording another class yesterday. 2 more to go. I should be able to knock out another one today. That's the goal at least. I don't know if I can get the last one done before I leave, but I will try. I am packed and ready to go. Just five more days.