Saturday, January 11, 2025

ANA Y3 D228

I finally got some decent sleep!! Even with our snow guy coming at 3:07am and leaving his flashing light on to shine in our window. It's okay though because we're the only house with a cleared driveway. Ha! Yes, it finally snowed a decent enough amount that he needed to come. About 4 inches or so out there. It started around 2pm yesterday and went all night. We took the dog for a walk in it around 8pm and it was nice. Quiet, fluffy, fun. She had the time of her life bouncing around in it.

I started yesterday by going to the store which I am glad I did as I wouldn't have wanted to drive there this morning. The roads would not have been good. Then I had therapy, then I spent the day doing damn tech support for everyone and their mother. Litmos this, database backup that. Just all day of meetings and support. 

For dinner I made lamb leg steaks. Was very happy. We watched two more episodes of BB. Almost done. Only 4 to go. Things are falling apart left and right. So much anxiety watching this shit. I can't wait to be done because I need to breathe again! But then we have El Camino and Saul. Woo boy.

We stayed up until about 11 playing video games together. C is off ALL weekend. Hurray! Tonight we are taking our friend to K-Pot for his birthday. I need to bake him brownies this morning. He wanted them, he gets them.

Let the weekend begin!

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