Thursday, January 23, 2025

ANA Y3 D240

Had a very long and full day yesterday. It started with me going to the doctor for my bloodwork review and physical. Before I left for the doctor I got notice my cheese was out for delivery! Hurray! It was bitter cold yesterday. Polar vortex and all that nonsense. The highest I saw it reach was 2. Yes, 2. Got to the doctor and not only did they see me early, they had me in and out without rushing me. God I love my doctor's office. End result, per everything, I am a healthy 37 year old woman. Right on. I also got my next set of implant which means I am good hopefully for another two years. At this point I only have to do bloodwork once a year. Unless I notice anything weird, I am good until Jan of 2026 minimum. I also discussed with my doctor my fear of not being able to have access to covered meds over the next four years. For those of you thinking I am overeacting, as of last night, I have no legal rights in four states now. Literally I am not recognized as a human being with rights. So fuck you if you think this is all just some big joke. Anyway, since I pay for my pellets out of pocket, she was able to write me a FULL scrip for estradiol. Right now I take 7 a month, one a day, one week a month. The new scrip? FIVE a day, every day. That means that a 90 day supply is 450 pills. I will get four of those a year. 1800 estradiol tablets. If me, C, or B ever find ourselves unable to access meds, I will have extra. A lot of extra. At my current dosage, I will have 21 years of meds stockpiled. Not bad, eh? After the doctor I went to the italian grocery store to get meats and bread for my cheese. I also got us a pizza for lunch. They're fresh made ones are out of this world. Came home and dealt with a bunch of work stuff. Had meetings, did litmos work, etc. By 4:30 my cheese had not yet arrived. I messaged my friend who was supposed to come eat it with me that cheese night was off. She was okay with that as she was feeling ill and was most likely going to cancel on me. Fair enough. Cheese night is on hold. It did finally arrived around 7pm. Thank goodness. I opend the box and there was an extra block in there. Some weird coffee cheese. Okay. But there it was. My langres. A cheese I haven't had in nearly a decade. Just beautiful and smelly. The dog was going nuts as I open the box. I let her smell every one through the packaging and when she smelled the langres she went nuts. She loved it. Good taste obviously. We then settled in to watch Nosferatu. I liked it. Around 11 I took her out one last time and we went to bed.

More meetings today, practice tests for next week, salmon for dinner. Probably hold cheese night until tomorrow. We shall see.

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