My head is still fucking with me. Today is bad already. I wish I knew why. I am not stressed about anything out of the ordinary. Bills, life, the usual. I do think it's weather related now. The weather has gone from negatives to 45 degrees overnight. Today back down in the 20s. Like all over the goddamn place. I need to go back to sleeping with the window open. Maybe that will help.
Long ass day yesterday. I did my 8am presentation, repeat today at 3pm. I then waited. C worked late and didn't get home until almost 7. The tv came at 9am and I had to stare at the box all day. We did in fact get it mounted and installed. Very happy with it. Such a huge difference and a much better interface. Plus no more cables hanging all over the place. No external devices, no sound bar needed. It hangs about 3 inches lower too which actually works better for us. I am not upset about it in anyway.
Today I have therapy, bills, then a 10-2 session, then a meeting at 1, then a presentation at 3. BUSY Friday.
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