Wednesday, January 22, 2025

ANA Y3 D239

We did some research last night. Turns out tinnitus is actually worsened by extreme cold weather. Gee, go figure. This helps to explain why my head has been going insane the last few days. Having to take the dog out in negative degree temps has not helped one bit. Like right now I am fine. Same with yesterday. But after a couple times out BOOM it starts in and doesn't stop. Weather, fuck it.

Taught all day, answered emails until 5pm, made tuna for dinner, watched two episodes of Saul. I may have something to look forward to in the future. My friend has invited me for a girl's weekend in Nashville. She even offered to pay for the hotel. I discussed it with C last night and she is good with it. We're thinking Feb or March. This would be nice.

Have my physical today. Hopefully get new pellets.

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