Sunday, April 14, 2013

Y4 D325

FUN night last night. Didn't get too wild, managed to keep my mouth in check for the most part. Only one slip of the tongue and I personally didn't think it was that bad. Other than that, I had fun, I stayed within the limits of sobriety, got the car to the kid, and was in bed by 1:30. Not too shabby.

Woke up yesterday around 7:30 I think it was? Did my normal morning stuff, cleaned the house, and then went and ran a great errand. My chair for my desk broke a while ago and I have been putting off buying a new one mostly because I knew I wouldn't be home for most of March. But teaching last week and the fact that I have six classes coming up in the next two weeks pushed me to have to get a new one. I didn't want to spend 100+ on a nice chair but I also didn't want a new piece of shit one. Instead I took a chance and hit the thrift store. I managed to find a decent full back, with arms, good office chair. It was $25.99 which is a 1/4 of what I would have paid in an office store. Best part? Yesterday was 50% off day. I ended up getting it for $14 after tax. Score.

Stopped at the bakery and got a couple of cupcakes and a snickerdoodle for the kid. Was back by 10. Of course I now had 10 hours to kill. I ended up falling asleep on the couch for about 45 minutes. Got up, played Diablo, watched Pan's Labyrinth with kid and KBF, and then around 7 headed to the party. Stopped and had fried chicken on the way. Showed up at 7:54 which for me is good. I am usually really early so I didn't stress about being 5 minutes.

Good crowd. A varied crowd too for once. Since it was at the house I didn't spend a shit ton of money or act stupid in public. Left around 12:45.

Not a bad Saturday.

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