Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Y6 D268

Oh look, another one of those days where I am getting up when other people are going to bed. After a whole 4 hours of sleep too. Lucky me!

My car will be here in about 90 minutes to take me to the airport for 8 days in Denver. I feel like it's a bad movie title.

Did all my stuff yesterday. Packed, went to the store, got groceries for B. Watched some TV, organized files, ate, went to bed at 9. Very productive yet not very exciting day. I am okay with that. I am very glad we came home the night before though. We were done with all of our errands by noon instead of just getting home at noon which made for a much more relaxing day.

Today I will hit Denver around noon local time. Then Thurs and Friday be onsite, have the weekend to myself in Denver, then Monday and Tuesday back onsite. Fly home Wednesday. Let the week of travel begin.

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