Friday, October 6, 2017

Y9 D133

The headache is gone (B's). But not without a 4 hour trip to her medical provider's ER. Downtown. At 8pm. No joke. First off she didn't get up until noon. When she did get up the migraine was still there but low level. As the day wore on, it went from a 2 to a 4. She made a 7:15 appointment at the clinic near us. We went in and at 7:45 they sent us off to their ER. They have one. It's down by the big huge stadium. Which had something going on last night. Sigh. After ruling out stroke and heart attack, they gave her multiple injections, one of which caused her to pass out right in front of me. That was a bit scary to say the least. Finally after a long time of waiting for things to kick in and take effect, the migraine was gone and we were able to go home. Thank goodness. She is finally getting some real rest. It's been a long week.

Taught day three of my class. Almost lost my cool but made it through. Had a pot pie for dinner. Not much time for anything else. Class finished at 3, we went to the doctor's around 6:45. Doesn't give you a lot of time to do much.

Today I have a ton of things to do. Benefits for 2018 (once again my company gave me only a couple of days to get everything done. Dicks). Laundry. Suitcase. Vape shop. Hotel. Flight. Car. Ugh. Hence why I am up once again at 4am. You know what? On Sunday, I am sleeping dammit. At least until 6!

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