Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Y9 D152

I am squished back in my office again. Why? Because of B's blanket project. She is making herself a weighted blanket finally and it is taking up the entire front room and where my desk out there is located. Whatever. As long as she is happy.

I ran some errands in the morning before class. Including getting a table for B to make her blanket on. I didn't have to start until 10 which was nice. I was able to move slow. Do laundry. My class went fine. 10-2. I unfortunately took a little nap from 3-4. I didn't mean to but I was super tired. Side note - where's my rain? I am home for four days and it will be 'nice' the whole time I am home? Screw you weather gods!! I want rain!! Bastards.

Had chicken fajita soup. Watched some tv. B worked on her blanket. I got an achievement in WoW. Went to bed.

Today and tomorrow are normal days, then we go to WA for our anniversary. 3 years people. Suck it all you naysayers. Only 17 more to go before I can throw a real big party. Or at least 7. 10 years will be a huge milestone.

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