Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Y11 D79

What's the saying about fish and houseguests? Smelling? Rotten? Need to go??? That's where I am at right now. Time to go sister. Your car is in my garage, I am up at 4am to drive you to work. Nope nope nope. My *child* is grown and I didn't ask for another one. Sigh. Here's the difference between me and them - I would have DEMANDED the other person's insurance get me a rental car the day this accident happened. Period. This would not have been a request. I would have been on the phone with them every hour on the hour until I had this shit taken care of. It's been over a week and her lack of pressure on them has caused me more grief than them. Nope. Fuck.

Finished my final document. I fucking knew I would enough time but oh no the poor sales people worried too much. Now I have the rest of the week to fill. I do have one class tomorrow which is okay but that's it.

I heard from next week's client on some logistical questions I asked about. They fucking moved the training to a different campus. I could have stayed closer. Now I get to drive in LA traffic next week. Fun times.

Yes, I am cranky this morning. Sue me.

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