Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Y11 D87

Not much to report. Up way too early. Still no time for breakfast in the morning. Left at 5:25 yesterday, got there at 6. Almost died at the wilshire/sepulvada merge. Good times.

Day went okay. It finished early as expected. I hate that class. I pushed for it to be a 1/2 day only but no one listens to me.

Got back to the hotel around 5. Stopped for el pollo loco on the way. Had chicken, went to bed.

Three more days of this.

I did have another client want more training in Pasadena next month. That works for me. Come into Burbank instead of LAX. Or even John Wayne. Probably JW since it will be cheaper. Burbank may be closer but the price will be higher since it's an Alaska hub.

B went to her big flea market with her grandma. The houseguest's car is now dead apparently. Good times.

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