Thursday, August 29, 2019

Y11 D95

Day one of being off was off to mediocre start. I checked email all day, responded to some stupid shit, and got really pissed off at 9pm because people are stupid. My faith in the organization is gone. I am scared to look for a new job, but dammit, I can't work in this environment any more. I don't know what to do. Byt like always, I will figure it out or die trying.

Took B to the doctor yesterday. Dealt with her passing out while they drew six vials of blood. No one listens to her. She repeatedly said she was going to pass out during the blood draw. And lo and behold she did. Fun times. Her doctor did do something no other doctor has done; she looked at all of her issues as one big thing instead of little problems. This may finally help figure out some of the things that are going on with her. We shall see.

The kids are gone finally. Quiet prevails.

Today is fair day. Need to go get gas and cash. We're getting there right at open. Maybe stay until 2 or 3. Then it's off to the lake tomorrow.

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