Sunday, January 5, 2025

ANA Y3 D222

C and I have been watching Breaking Bad. I know, I know. I stopped somewhere around season 3 when it originally aired because if you've been around for a while, that's when my life went sideways and I started this damn blog. Had other things on my mind and that's putting it nicely. It's one of those shows I would always try to rewatch and finish but never had someone to watch and share it with. When C heard I have never finished it, she jumped on it and said we're watching it. Okie dokie. Well, it's taken us a while but we finally finished season 4 and started season 5 last night. Without spoiling anything, HOLY SHIT. While I am sad I never watched this real time, wow, what a show. I am excited to try and finish it this week. We have 14 episodes to go and I can't wait to see what happens next. Things like this are always so much better when you have someone to share them with. It's been fun for her watching me watch the show. Spout my endless theories, get excited at twists and turns, etc. When it's over, we will do El Camino and Saul. Can't wait.

We both had our hair done yesterday. Was a nice time out of the house and away from things. She got a really cute cut that she loves. That makes me happy. Mine was just maintenance. Nothing exciting. We had salmon for dinner, made milkshakes with our creami, and I made more perfect popcorn.

OH! One fun thing yesterday was our friend/stylist sharing all the drama in her house. Her kid is driving her nuts. He is about to turn 20 and for the last nine months she has been supporting him because he has been working on a video game. Now that it's almost done, he's having cold feet about releasing it. She wants us to help him get over his fear and get it out there. They're coming over Monday night under the auspice of playing games and having cheese. In reality, we will be having a mini intervention. Either release the game or get off your ass and do something. She wants him to hear it from someone other than "mom" who is just nagging him. On it. This will be interesting.

Today we're doing laundry and questing together. A quiet day is planned.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

ANA Y3 D221

Slowly getting better. Not 100% but almost there. Still have sore throat. But the aches are gone and I can breathe mostly.

Not much of anything yesterday. Had a meeting. New training scheduled for this month. Starting on the 15th I have like 10 days of training to give. 

Made meatballs for dinner. Started 48 hour ribs for sunday. Hair appointment today but that's it.

Friday, January 3, 2025

ANA Y3 D220

It's Friday. I am so confused this week. Especially being sick. I went to the store yesterday morning so I wouldn't have to go today and I literally stood in one aisle for five minutes because I was just confused as to what I was doing there. I came home, wrote three blog posts in a haze, prepped for some other stuff, dealt with an annoying salesperson, and just faded in and out all day. Last night I had zero energy and was just a lump. I do feel a bit better today but my throat is killing me. Hopefully I will clear up by monday and can be back in a normal place. I have a meeting today at 1pm and we will see what comes of that. I made tacos last night and struggled eating them. I knew I had to eat but didn't want to eat. I fell asleep at 9:30. Fun times.

Today is bill day. Joy.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

ANA Y3 D219

 I feel horrible. Throat is sandpaper. Head is pounding. Blah. I have to "work" today. So stupid.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

ANA Y3 D218

 I am dying. Oh, happy new year? Bleh. I am sick. I hate it thanks. We made it to midnight. Whee.