Saturday, December 24, 2011

Y3 D213

Best part of yesterday morning was when I send an email out to 4 of the people I am working with and within seconds three come back with OOO responses. Yeah, I am not 100% today. I did some work yesterday but kind of goofed a little bit. Around 2 I wrapped it up and went out to do some shopping. Mostly it was grocery shopping as we were running low on food and household items. Plus I am doing dinner tonight for the kid, TGF, and KBF so I wanted to pick up something nice. I also stopped at Best Buy because my headphones broke on the NY trip and headphones are something I need. I ended up finding a nice pair of Sony noise canceling headphones for $50. Of course I wrapped them up when I got home. I also did stocking stuffer shopping yesterday. All three stockings are filled and ready to go. TGF had gone home around 1 as she needed to clean her house. She procrastinated most of the day about it though. I hung out with my friend while she was doing all that. Got back around 5 and started in on laundry. KBF came over and they were all snoggy on the couch until she had to go to work at 9:30. I don't know what time she got home this morning but yesterday she ended up working until after 5am. I expect she got home at a similar time today. Right before I went to bed I got a text from a friend who is down at Disneyland for Christmas. He found us five more pins! Yay! We are even closer to completing two more collections now. Talked to TGF for a while before going to bed around 11 something.

I am so excited for tonight and tomorrow I think I might explode. I need to do some house cleaning today, but otherwise it's just going to be that long haul between now and tomorrow morning. I can do it. I can make it before exploding. I hope.

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