Thursday, May 24, 2012

Y3 D365

This should have technically been the last post, but this was a leap year so there will be 366 this year. Deal with it.

Yesterday was another long work day. Although TD brought me over soup and rockstar at lunch time. She keeps doing shit like that and she will get bumped up to girlfriend status pretty darn quick. I did have a bad period yesterday because I got dragged into teenager drama. I got blamed for knowing that my director's son was seeing someone behind their back even though they had forbade him from seeing her. BUT the truth was I had no idea. I was out of town and busy with my own life. I hadn't had any contact with either one of them since 5/8, over two weeks ago. My director was still pissed at me because according to her I should have told them they were going to talk. Um, really? They are both 19 years old. I know he lives in your house, but I didn't realize he couldn't have friends. I get they don't want them dating, but to ban them from talking? Ok, whatever, be pissed at me. Sigh. Hopefully it will blow over but it's very annoying.

Not much else went on yesterday. I worked, I took the kid to the train, watched the final episode of House (awwwww), picked the kid back up from the train, took NyQuil, slept. I still feel like shit. My head and nose are killing me still. I am hoping this passes before Saturday.

I am having tea with TD today which will help. Multiple cups of tea always are good.

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