Monday, May 28, 2012

Y4 D3

What a day. You know I have had to say that a lot this weekend haven't I? So let's see...

I started the day by running around looking for a black fitted sheet for the show. Then I talked to TD. I explained to her that I think there is a difference between our lifestyles, attitude about dating, etc. We had a long talk and I told her I would probably disappoint her again. There was more but the bottom line is I left it with her thinking about whether she wants to be involved with someone like me. I haven't spoken to her yet today but we will see.

I left for the show around 5. I have never been around so many people who live in their mother's rec room/basement/attic before in my life. THIS is why I don't do conventions. These people were weird even by my standards. Too many nerds. Weirdos. Freaks and geeks.

I am very tired still so I am not going to go into much detail but needless to say it was bizarre. We walked around the floor after unloading the truck in 30 minutes giving us five hours before the show started. We found some of the rooms where there was free booze and cookies. There was a robot bartender which was kind of cool.

The show went off smoothly despite screen issues, sound issues, and another cast there heckling us. Our director exploded over some of these things but for once it wasn't us that did anything wrong. I haven't seen the aftermath yet if there is going to be any.

Got home around 3:30 and crashed. I might give more details tomorrow. Shower now.

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