Sunday, March 9, 2014

Y5 D288

For the first time in over 2 months I am waking up with a slight headache. I am now at 9 drinks in 64 days, 4 of them last night. I almost had more in one night than in the 63 days prior. But it was over 4 hours and I never got out of control. I can still count on both hands the amount of booze I have consumed this year and that is a positive thing. So I will enjoy my little headache and not complain.

Why the little headache and drinking? Because last night was B's belated surprise birthday party! She mad the mistake of telling one of our friends a while back that she has never had a real birthday party as an adult (her last one was when she was like 7) and that she had never had a surprise party. Well wipe that off your list sweetheart. I knew about it all week and kept my mouth sealed. All day while she was at work yesterday I was fielding texts from people wanting to know time, what they should bring, etc. Here's how the whole day went:

Got up and B went off to work around 8:30. I got cleaned up and took a nice ride over to the pet store. With the recent rain my bike has been sitting and I wanted to get it out on the road. Not a long ride, but it was enjoyable. Picked up some hamster stuff and headed back. When I got back home I cleaned not only the hamsters but the whole house. Cleaning achievement unlocked. I was all done by around 11 and watched some Doctor. Since we were going out later I took a little nap. Then played Lego video game until B got home. In between I ironed a shirt and got ready. See, the ruse for last night was we were going on a date night with another couple. Hence why I dressed nice because I knew if I dressed down she would too and then she would have felt bad about it later.

We both got ready and then opened the new Lego set I got. We put together about 25% of it. I will wait until she gets home from work today to finish it (yes she has to work on a Sunday which sucks. She won't have a day off again until Friday).  We left the house around 7 and showed up at the location around 7:30. SURPRISE. She really was surprised and teared up a bit. We had cheesecake and food and karaoke. She got more presents from this group than she did from her 'friends' back in MI. We both received an engagement present from one set of friends that is a Mickey picture frame and inside of it was 40 in euros. That is currently about $55 US and is for us to put in our honeymoon fund. Hopefully the exchange rate will be better before we go, but it is a wonderful gift.

Left the party around 11 and got home about 11:30. Put everything away and hit bed at 1. Why so long? Because I reset all the clocks before going to bed. Daylight saving time can kiss my ass. It should only be 7:30 right now but no, an outdated farming rule still controls our lives. Sigh. Stupid.

Today she works but not until 12:30 and I am not going to be the one who wakes her. She actually drank a little last night and is tired. Sleep she shall. She deserves it. Me? Morning stuff and then some Doctor. I am almost caught up. Only 3 more episodes to go!

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