Thursday, March 27, 2014

Y5 D306

The great laundry fiasco of 2014 has come to a close. We now have clean clothes thanks to the generous spirit of the complex manager. No one ever came and fixed the machine that issues laundry cards so he ended up giving me his own allowing us to do laundry. While I may bitch about a lot of things wrong with this current place, he is not one of them. He tries his best to make people happy and for the most part succeeds. Well done sir, well done.

Other than laundry nothing much happened yesterday. I had a rough class. It was an advanced class which means there are certain assumptions and expectations regarding the users abilities. Little Miss Indian should not have been in the advanced class. That's all I am saying. If you can't figure out how to work your own damn browser then what the hell are you doing trying to create advanced analytical reports?? Got through class without killing anyone, went for a walk when B got home, made dinner, watched some TV, and played my crusader. She got hooked watching one her shows and I went to bed who knows how much earlier than she did. I was in bed around 10:30 and I think she came in around midnight. We've all been there - start watching a show and it becomes 'just one more' and next thing you know it's Tuesday.

As you can tell I am back on my normal time. Yay! This means I will be done by 3. I have a very small class today. It's the 'expert' level class. No nice guy today. If you're in the class you should know the basic shit without even trying. I also should be able to finish early. Double yay. A little nap after class is sounding good.

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