Monday, January 5, 2015

Y6 D224

I have a man-cold according to B. That's where it's a minor thing but as I frequently said yesterday "I'm dying". Conversely a man can get an arrow to the knee and he will respond with "it's a scratch, I'm fine". All very true. So yes, I spent most of yesterday dying. I went out in the morning and grabbed some NyQuil in original green death flavor - aka the good shit. I also picked up some juice.

Spent most of the morning just lounging. I did vac up all the powder from the cats. Did dishes. Took care of laundry. Played a little Batman Lego, took some meds and slept for 3 hours. Woke up and for dinner we pretty much ate ALL the leftovers we could. We had a bunch going on in there and man does the fridge look better.

After I kind of collapsed on the couch and sat through Downton Abbey as I was too sick to fight it. I went to bed around 11 but B feeling better herself finally decided that was the right time to clean. Whatever. Go. Clean away.

Today I am on call for whatever is needed of me. Otherwise, not a whole heck of a lot going on. This should be an interesting day.

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