Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Y6 D232

Still not happy about my life right now but I managed to keep it buried and hidden from B yesterday. There's no reason for her to suffer any more than she already is because of my stupidity and bad life decisions. The least I can do is plaster a smile on my face and pretend like everything is okay whilst inside I am seething and hating myself. I've done it before, I can do it again.

Did some mentoring yesterday with a client. Same thing again today. We did a bit of a Marvel marathon yesterday. I wanted to watch Agent Carter but B had never seen both Captain America movies so we did those first, then the two episodes of Agent Carter, then she wanted to watch Iron Man. I managed to sit through 1, but had to go to bed. She stayed up and watched 2. I don't think she watched the third one though. During the day while I was working she made Chicken Fajita soup which came out really well.

I have no motivation to type. I have no motivation to do anything at all to be honest. I want to sell everything as just looking around is a reminder of all those bad decisions. Sell it all, move to the middle of nowhere, be alone, and let everyone get on with their lives.

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