Monday, January 19, 2015

Y6 D238

You know how you stomach sounds when it is hungry or after you've eaten a big meal? That gurgly rumbly sound? That's what I am hearing from under the desk below me. Like some bizarre troll creature living under there. But alas no troll, just the stupid cat. I swear every time I think she's about to be gone forever, she defies the odds and just keeps going. Gee, kind of like me.

Twas a TV marathon day for B. She is hooked on Scandal this week. I went on a mini adventure. I was going to make some tofu waffles in the morning (look them up) but when I pulled out the waffle maker it was disgusting. Like mold growing on it disgusting. So I decided to go get a new waffle maker. Also B had been asking if we had a hand mixer to save her from having to pull out the big kitchenaid every time she needed to mix something small. I went first to CrapMart. I found the hand mixer there, but no waffle maker. I then went to BBB, nothing in the price range I wanted. Next, I popped into Michael's because I have been also looking for some silicon baking cups. Score. Last stop, Target, and waffle maker procured. 90 minutes for those items. Adventure time.

I got back around 1 from all that. Did a little TV marathon myself, but mine was in the other room, and was Black Mirror. I am all caught up now having watched 3 episodes - White Bear, The Waldo Moment, and White Christmas. The Waldo one was meh. It was good but more in line with things that happen right now anyway. I didn't feel like there was much there other than the humanity angle.

Now White Bear and White Christmas? Fuck me. White Bear was hard to watch but so damn good. White Christmas you could slowly see what was coming but it still made you pause. Excellent fucking show.

We had steak for dinner and I sat in the other room with her for a little while. But then I went and did some file work. Downloaded some stuff, organized, etc.

Went to bed around 11. Today is course material writing day followed by four days of training. Let the week begin.

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