Saturday, June 20, 2015

Y7 D25

12:01am, technically Saturday.

Leaving in about an hour.

Big issue from yesterday? Finding out I am being raped by Chase. Apparently they decided to raise my interest rate. I will be calling them on Monday to see what can be done about a 27% interest rate. Yeah, you read that right. TWENTY FUCKING SEVEN PERCENT. That should be illegal. I will NEVER pay it off. I need $14000. I would rather take a personal loan at 10% or even 15% than deal with this fucking shit.

You see why I stress? I try to get ahead and then get fucked in the ass.

Other news, finished class. Took a nap. Kid came over around 9. We played Mortal Kombat.

Now we go to Disneyland. Fucking Chase.

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