Saturday, June 27, 2015

Y7 D32

Up so I can check in for my flight. I haven't slept past 5am in so long I have forgotten what it's like. Tonight/tomorrow I won't sleep at all since I am going straight from the show tonight to the airport then on to Ohio. When I get back I would like just one day where I sleep past 6. Just one please.

Worked on updating one of our classes yesterday. Got groceries for B since I will be gone. Power watched 5 episodes of OITNB. Basically a boring ass day.

What am I doing with my life? Why don't I have more ambition? Why don't I want to do anything? What's wrong with me?

Too many questions and not enough answers. I'm feeling a wave coming on. I think it's good I am going out of town this week. Let me stew in my own sadness away from everyone. Sometimes I do believe I should be away from people.

In happier news, the kid got a job. Plus she doesn't have to start until after the 4th which means she gets a little bit of a break before having to go back to it. Good for her. At least one of us is doing something right.

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